Madrelingua Italian language school opened its doors ten years ago, in 2006.
So I was curious to find out just how many people have joined us for Italian courses since then.
Our stats show the number of online enrollments each month (and so exclude people who actually visit the school to sign up for their course.)
A quick copy and paste from the spreadsheet and I had the answer – 1776, coincidentally the year that American states declared their independence…
Think around 170-180 people a year, from all around the world, who are sitting at home in the USA, Australia or wherever and decide to come to Bologna to learn Italian with us!
We’re a small, family school and so will typically have four or five classes running throughout the year. We close only for a fortnight at Christmas/New Year.
Class sizes are a maximum of ten, often smaller, plus we also offer Italian evening classes for anyone already here, and online Italian lessons for those who can’t get away from commitments at home.
Courses can be as brief as a week, or as long as a year, but are always enjoyable and effective due to our staff of permanent teachers (some of whom have been here since the beginning!)
For more information about learning Italian in Bologna, check out these links:
Italian courses | Prices | About Bologna | How to book | FAQ
You may have heard about yesterday’s earthquake in central Italy. But don’t let that put you off!
Our city is famous for its brick towers, constructed hundreds of years ago by medieval workman (with wooden scaffolding…)
The most famous example, the Asinelli Tower, is 97 metres tall and was completed in 1119!
And it’s still standing, nearly 900 years later…
So during your visit, be sure to climb to the top, enjoy the amazing view, and take photos for envious friends and family back home!