Great news! Sort of.
From this weekend, travellers to Italy from certain countries need no longer quarantine on their arrival here!
“niente più quarantena anti-Covid per chi arriva in Italia dagli stati dell’UE, Gran Bretagna e Israele. Basterà infatti esibire un referto negativo del tampone effettuato nelle 48 ore precedenti, o l’attestato di vaccinazione (entrambe le dosi o l’unica dose Johnson & Johnson) o di avvenuta guarigione dal Covid, senza più i cinque giorni di isolamento seguiti da un altro test molecolare o antigenico.”
“no more anti-Covid quarantine for those arriving in Italy from EU countries, Great Britain and Israel. It will be sufficient to show a negative test result for a test carried out in the previous 48 hours, or a vaccination certificate (both doses, or the Johnson & Johnson single dose) or proof of having recovered from Covid, without any longer having to isolate for five days followed by a further negative test.”
Students from many countries are as yet NOT exexmpt from the quarantine requirement, and ATTENZIONE, even if you are no longer required to quarantine on arrival, certain states (for example the UK) may insist that you quarantine on your return.
So is it time to book your Italian course in Bologna, perhaps for a couple of weeks (or more) in June, July or August? Or for later, in the cooler autumn months??
If you have ALREADY paid a deposit for a course, but for whatever reason not taken the course, we’d be delighted to welcome you back! Just let us know, via email or using our booking form, when you’ll be coming.
Otherwise, take a look at these pages:
Italian courses | Prices | How to book
You’ll see that, unlike some Italian language schools in Italy, we don’t expect students to pay for their courses in advance, we just ask for a standard deposit, irrespective of the length of the course.
And if you can’t make it to Bologna, perhaps because of a cancelled flight or a change in the quarantine regulations, would you lose your €150 deposit?
As long as you tell us in advance (even a few days, even a few hours) then no, don’t worry! We’ll keep the credit for you, hoping you’ll rebook your course for another time.
So is it time to book your Italian course in Bologna??
Check the regulations in your own country – is non-essential travel to Italy permitted? Would you need to quarantine on your return?
Check the availability of flights, and their cost, and the cancellation policies, in case the worst occurs…
For some of you, hopefully, the answer will be “Yes!”
Summer’s coming and Italy is safe and open for business!
Got a question? Need more information? Phone or email us, even at the weekend!