Planning to study Italian at our language school in Bologna? Here’s how we’ll protect you during your Italian course. (Last updated 14/07/20)
- Your temperature will be measured on entry – if it exceeds 37,5° you will be advised to seek guidance from the health authorities.
- You must wear a mask in the school at all times. If you forget your mask, ask us to provide one.
- You must maintain a social distance of 1 m. from other people while in the school.
- There are bottles of gel for hand-sterilisation in reception and in the classrooms. Sterilise or wash your hands frequently.
- Classroom capacity has been reduced to ensure social-distancing of at least 1 m. Sit only in marked places. Do not change seats during the class.
- On arrival go to your classroom and sit in a designated seat. Please do NOT wait in a common area, except on the first day.
- Do not use coat hangers.
- You must wear a mask at all times when in the school, unless for specific teaching reasons, in which case you should maintain a social distance of 2 m.
- Ensure students wear a mask at all times whilst in the school.
- Avoid close proximity to students.
- Do not organise pair/group work unless students are distanced by at least 1 m.
- Do not move tables or chairs.
- Ensure students sit only in marked positions.
- Stagger break times to avoid crowding in corridor and exit zones.
- To avoid crowding in the toilet and common areas, students should use toilet before or during the lesson, not at break time – make sure they know this.
- A notice on the classroom door shows when your classroom was last cleaned. It will be cleaned again after the class. For this reason, students should not leave personal effects on the tables.
- Make sure that the air conditioner is used correctly i.e. no recirculation of air.
- Change the air in your classroom frequently by opening windows when it is possible to do so.