On Monday I’ll be publishing full details of our seasonal ‘Best Discount Of The Year On 2017 Italian Courses’ offer.
But today, how to improve your Italian for free!
Yes, that seems a bit contradictory, but an Italian course at our school in Bologna is likely to be just one component of your strategy to learn (and eventually master) the language.
What you do before you come, and then after you return home, can be just as important in the long term, and will certainly help you maximise the return you get from your course.
Self-study before the course begins will mean you’re not coming in cold.
Your brain will already be ‘switched on’ to Italian.
You’ll hit the ground running!
Later, when you’re back into your normal routine, continuing to do some Italian regularly will ensure that you’re building on the grammar and vocabulary you learnt.
It’s vital to keep practising the skills you acquired, rather than letting things fade…
OK, so below are three sites to take a look at.
There’s a brief description of each, along with a few sample links to get you started.
Full disclosure, they’re all run by a UK company of which I am director (so they must be good, right?)
dontspeakitalian.com is specifically designed for beginners, but the contents would be useful for anyone looking for revision or practice material.
There are fifty pages of free materials including ten grammar explanations, ten grammar exercises, ten dialogues and ten listenings, each with a transcript.
onlineitalianclub.com is more or less what it says, though NO registration is required.
This is a monster of a site with, for example, over 600 verb conjugations, 54 grammar lessons, and hundreds of exercises and audio recordings.
There’s enough free material here to keep you going for however long it takes to learn Italian!
learnitalian4free.com is just a tiddler by comparison with onlineitalianclub.com, but has some nice listenings.
Tackle one or two of these each day in the weeks before coming to Bologna and you’ll find you’ll be more atuned to the sounds and rhythms of Italian.
The ‘Un giorno nella vita’ series is nice, for example.
Full details of the ‘Best Discount Of The Year On 2017 Italian Courses’ offer will be published on Monday!
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