It seems as if Italy has closed up early for Christmas. Nobody’s working. The streets are quieter than usual.
That’s because the 24th of December is a ‘giorno semifestivo’ – a semi-holiday day.
You could find out more with this ‘boring but useful’ video + transcript from RAI but I’ll cut and paste the relevant part for you:
Un giorno può essere feriale, festivo o semifestivo. Nei giorni feriali si lavora; nei giorni festivi non si lavora; nei giorni semifestivi si lavora la metà del tempo normale.
So today’s ‘semifestivo’, tomorrow is ‘festivo’, and Monday 28th (sad face) will be ‘feriale’.
And the point is?
Assuming you’re also taking it a little easier today, you’ll hopefully be able to find a minute to benefit from our seasonal promotion, which ends tomorrow!
Pay a small deposit TODAY & save 20% on your 2016 Italian course, no matter what the length.
The longer you study, the more you’ll save!
But don’t worry if you haven’t yet got a clear idea of what you’ll be doing next year…
You don’t have to decide the dates of your course now – just pay a deposit to lock in your discount, then let us know the dates you want to study later .
For more information about the promotion, check out these recent articles:
Or contact Stefi, who’ll be answering your emails and phone calls today (and tomorrow, ‘poverina!)
Remember, the ‘Save 20%‘ offer ends tomorrow (Dec. 25th).
It will NOT be repeated for 12 months.
Don’t miss out: click here to pay your deposit and save 20% on your course.