The Winter Offer on 2016 Italian courses ends on Christmas Day, which, as I’m sure you’re aware, is only two days from now.
If you’d like to study Italian in Italy, at great discount, stop peeling potatoes for a minute or two.
Cast aside worries about finding perfect last-minute Christmas gifts.
For, right now, you have two simple things to do…
Two Simple Steps
1. Confirm your course with a deposit.
2. Complete the booking form. (If you haven’t decided the dates, skip this part and let us know later.)
Got a question? Need help? Contact us >>
Thanks to Marcia, who left a comment on yesterday’s article. I think she caught perfectly what I was trying to say, so I’ll reproduce what she wrote here below. Thanks Marcia, and Buon Natale to you too!
If a 78 year old widow from the midlands of the USA can organize a four-week study session at Madrelingua then ANYONE can do it! Still have fond memories of my time in Bologna and cannot imagine my life without that experience. I am trying to get back for my 80th. Certainly the experience is worth every effort including booking the flight!!!! Buon Natale a tutti.
(If Marcia managed it, you could too. Click here!)