128 people have signed up for our “Great Offer”. Two unsubscribed right after. Well, I guess it wasn’t really their thing.
People have been writing to me saying stuff like this can’t be serious, right? It’s not really free, is it? What’s the catch??? There must be a catch!
No catch.
The braver ones on our mailing list have already booked their flights. Stefi told me we have 6 people starting their free courses on Monday.
The rest of you are thinking, no, this can’t be real. No way Madrelingua will let me take a week’s course absolutely free and download an e-book worth €19.99 for nothing, just for giving my email address (which they already have anyway because they emailed me this offer.)
It can’t be real. It’s one of those tricks. Like you have to pay for four weeks and then you get one free, or something like that. Right?
Wrong. It’s a genuine offer.
Some people DO click the link & read the offer. But then, they smile to themselves as they realise that it’s gotta be a fake. Gotta be.
70% of those who viewed our offer this week decided right off that they really didn’t want a free course or e-book about Italian tenses.
Well who would?
The other 30% downloaded their e-book no probs, got the e-mail with the voucher for a week’s free course, and are now looking for cheap flights to Bologna. Hopefully not all at once.
Wonder which group you were in?
Anyway, this post/e-mail is just to let you know I’m closing this offer down at midnight today. Saturday 7th September. That’s Italian time.
So, if you’re not the hyper-suspicious type, or maybe in jail or paralysed, click the link to view the offer.
And remember, just looking at it won’t get you anywhere. You actually have to fill in the form with your name and e-mail to get your voucher and free download.
Whether you go then ahead and study the e-book is up to you. Nobody’s forcing you to learn Italian. But it’s an excellent product, really good, with integrated audio and exercises.
Also entirely optional is whether you ever actually come to Bologna to do your free course. Lots of people just dream of doing stuff like that, but never actually get round to it. They have jobs, partners, kids and so on to worry about.
But clicking the link and filling in the form, at least keeps your options open, right?
OK, assuming you’re NOT at the beach this afternoon, click the link, fill in the damn form (it won’t bite, and you can unsubscribe at any time with just one click), and I’ll send you your e-book and free course voucher.
Midnight Italian time, the page comes down. The offer will be over, and my wife will cease complaining about all the emails she has to answer.
P.S. Apologies to anyone who hates getting reminders about special offers. Stefi says I shouldn’t send them. I say that there must be people out there like me who really mean to do these things, but just don’t get round to it. And so might appreciate a last minute reminder (click the link).
Viveca Ott says
Congratulations for your original marketing style! It’s very personal and contrary to other people, I believed it because it really sounded genuine. I’m now in the thinking phase. I have already been in Bologna and took Italian courses twice altogether for 6 weeks (with another school) so I am convinced about it. It’s just finding the right time and… the funds… for a 2 weeks course.
Keep up the great work
Daniel says
Thanks, Viveca. We hope to see you soon!