It took a while, but we’ve now confirmed the A1/A2 (elementary/pre-intermediate) Italian evening class, which will start next week (March 6th) at our school in Bologna.
Anyone who’s living or studying here could take advantage of gloomy March, and hopefully not so gloomy April, to improve their Italian.
We organise evening classes based on three-week (18 hour) ‘modules’ which, as long as there are people interested, will go on until the summer.
Confirmed groups are now:
- A1/A2 (elementary/pre-intermediate), Mondays and Wednesdays, 18.00-21.00, from 06/03/23
- A2/B1 (pre-intermediate/intermediate), Tuesdays and Thursdays, 18.00-21.00 – in progress
- B2/C1 (upper-intermediate/advanced), Mondays and Wednesdays, 18.00-21.00 – in progress
More information about Italian evening courses can be found on the school website, and the costs are here.
Contact us for more information, and to arrange a level test, if you don’t already know yours.
Not in Bologna, or not free in the evenings? Check out these links to other Italian course options:
Italian Courses | Prices | FAQ | How To Book | Contact Us
Don’t forget, which publishes FREE simplified news bulletins in Italian, three times a week (text plus audio).
Reading and listening to the thrice-weekly bulletins of news in Italian helps maintain your skills and can act as a supplement to an Italian course.
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