Yesterday we covered the 24 Reasons To Study Italian In 2016.
Today, I have another number for you to consider – 6.
As in six of the reasons that people commonly cite as excuses for inertia and inaction.
These are the explanations people give for not making their dream of speaking Italian a reality.
“People like me don’t do things like this”
Not true.
We teach Italian to retired people, professionals, students, home-makers and the unemployed. From countries all over the world.
We once taught Italian to a chess champion, another time there was a film actor from California, a few years ago we had an ambassador. But in between, there were plenty of ‘people like you’.
“I’ve got commitments”
Don’t we all. But you are not, literally, enslaved. You do have some time to yourself, or could at least arrange some.
Careful! This is a dangerous one. ‘Commitments’, especially family, are often used as an excuse for not taking risks.
“I can’t afford it”
You probably can. An Italian course in Italy can cost as little as a few hundred dollars, less probably than what most people spend on a summer holiday.
If you’re not actually on the breadline, studying at our school in Bologna is likely to be within your financial reach, even if you have to save up for a while.
“It’s too complicated”
Nope. Actually, it’s very easy.
The hardest part is booking a flight (I HATE doing that.)
Otherwise organizing your Italian course and accommodation is fast, simple and completely safe.
“I’m scared”
This is often the real reason people don’t make that leap forward.
There are lots of things to be scared about.
The course will be too difficult, you won’t know anyone there, you’ll feel embarrassed, you won’t enjoy yourself, it’ll be like school, you won’t make any friends, and so forth.
If you have kids, you might remember reassuring them before their first day at elementary school.
And what happened next, when they came home after that first day, suddenly full of confidence again.
Everything was fine, none of their fears had been realized!
Fear can overwhelm and paralyze, but it rarely survives an encounter with reality.
Mostly, bad things just don’t happen. So why worry?
“It’s just a dream”
Day-dreams are a welcome distraction from real life. We all have them, which is just fine.
But what if learning Italian could be more than ‘just a dream’?
Mastering a foreign language is a long process but a worthwhile one. And it’s never too late to start.
The first step, however, is to acknowledge that it’s NOT just a dream.
That you actually need to take action to get things going.
If you know what’s stopping you from taking steps to achieve what you want, it’s not usually rocket science to work out how to move ahead, what the next step needs to be.
But it IS easier to go with the excuses. Inertia seems more common than momentum, doesn’t it?
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Marcia Bailey says
If a 78 year old widow from the midlands of the USA can organize a four-week study session at Madrelinguaq then ANYONE can do it! Still have fond memories of my time in Bologna and cannot imagine my life without that experience. I am trying to get back for my 80th. Certainly the experience is worth every effort including booking the flight!!!! Buon Natale a tutti.