With apologies to everyone who is still locked down, or is currently in a country that has travel restrictions to or from Italy. We’ve been there. We feel for you!
And of course, we’re very sorry if any of our former, or future, students are currently, for health reasons, unable to travel.
For the rest of you, though, this might be a GREAT TIME to book an Italian course in Italy!
Here’s why:
- Classes are smaller than usual (we have to ensure social distancing), which means you get more attention from the teacher, and more time to speak!
- Bologna’s shops, museums and places to eat are open as normal, and have been for a while now. And with the local council having suspended the tax restuarants and bars pay to put tables outside, al fresco dining is a thing!
- The weather is lovely at the moment (that could change… July and August can be very hot.) September and October are predicitably warm and sunny. November’s misty, but not too cold. Just saying…
- Like everywhere, tourism in Italy has taken a huge hit from Covid 19. Which means that there are likely to be bargains to be had when it comes to booking flights and accommodation. Why not take a look?
- In short, Bologna is still Bologna. Just without the crowds! What’s not to like?
Worried about infection? Take a look at how we’ll keep you safe while you study: Covid 19: How we’ll protect you during your Italian course
And we have a new page on our website (currently useful mainly to students from England): Covid 19: Can I travel to Italy to study and return home safely?
Tempted? Then check out our website to begin planning your Italian course in Bologna:
Bologna | Courses | Prices | Accommodation | How to book | Contact us
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